Pho is a traditional Vietnamese dish, also considered one of the typical dishes of Vietnamese cuisine.Pho is a very delicate dish that has been around for ages and has a lot of different flavors at the hands of the cook. However, the main ingredients of Pho are rice noodles, ginger, cinnamon, aniseed and grilled broth combined with the sweetness of the cooked bones, sliced beef and sliced beef into a bowl of Pho. Along with the aromatic herbs. When eating Pho, we usually eat with hot pot and spices such as chili vinegar, fresh lemon juice squeezed into the juice to sour bar. Pho has an exotic scent that attracts people to eat. Nothing is more wonderful, a cold winter morning, enjoy a bowl of hot phở and continue to work. Pho is a very easy-to-eat food, people of all ages can eat without fear of fat or being sick. In addition to beef noodle, you can enjoy the other Pho as chicken noodle is also very delicious and attractive.
With white noodles, served with thin sliced vegetables, herbs. Grilled, seasoned, tastier with lemon chili and a little fish sauce. In particular, the best food in the world is also because of all the sophistication of pho, a hundred years old, finding its identity through colonization, through wars and embargoes, Has made the pride of a people. Popular food, shared by all walks of life. Rich in vitamins and really balanced, Pho certainly has a leading role in spirit and health for the courageous Vietnamese nation.
The most important thing to make the noodles taste is the broth. Water must be sweet from the bone, not sweet from sugar or main noodles. The broth is clear and light in color. In order to get the delicious water, the cook should be very careful and thorough. The secret to boiling water depends on each person’s culinary experience.
We can enjoy a lot of dishes made from Pho: water noodles, stir-fried pho, fried noodles, … but Pho water is always the most attractive dish. For Vietnamese and foreign tourists, Pho is considered a delicate dish. Pho must be placed in the porcelain bowl to see the culinary and aesthetics of it. Pho bowl is attractive with lots of spices and beautiful colors. Just smell the aroma of water enough to feel ecstasy. The flavors of meat, bones, herbs mixed together to create a special fragrance goes to the heart. When eating Pho, we should eat slowly to feel the taste of it. The meat is soft, the cake is plastic, occasionally the ginger, the spicy chilli, the sweet scent of herbs, and the scent of green onion. All blends into a sweet scene, creating the signature flavor of Pho.
Pho is a delicious, nutritious food, proving the sophistication and creativity of Vietnamese people in culinary arts. Eating pho is the habit and pleasure of the Vietnamese. There is nothing like eating a delicious, hot noodle bowl every morning.