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Floating Market Cai Rang Can Tho Province Is The Best Experience

Posted by admin on 26/04/2019
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Floating market Cai Rang is famous floating market. It is a floating market specializing in exchanging, buying and selling agricultural products, fruits, goods, food, dining on the river and is a special attraction of Cai Rang district, Can Tho city. 

Floating market is a very specific culture of the Southwestern regions that everyone wants to come and experience at least once in their life. Cai Rang floating market in Can Tho is probably the most typical market, which has been honored by the foreign press as one of the five most interesting markets in Asia. Let’s find the attraction that Cai Rang floating market brings!

Floating market Cai Rang

1. How to get to Cai Rang floating market?

How to go from Saigon to Can Tho? I have “exchanged” quite a lot with my close friend Google to find the answer. There are two options: motorbike or car. 

 To visit and enjoy yourself in the lively and bustling life of floating market in Ninh Kieu wharf, visitors must travel 6km from the city center if traveling by road and 30 minutes by waterway.

Floating market Cai Rang

Visitors who want to visit the floating market. They must come very early because the fair from the morning to around 8-9 hours. It is the time and less boats to go back and forth. Arrive early to rent boats and boats on the Hau river in a peaceful way, visitors will watch the sunrise when dawn raises the rays of the new day; shining on the river surface glistening with silver light and shining golden light on the hair, shoulders of the women who were busy sailing, rowing the boat for a living. At this time of dreams, you will feel more clearly the rhythm of life and culture of people who are attached to the river in Can Tho.

2. The memorable beauty of Cai Rang floating market

Floating on the boat

Coming to Can Tho, you can travel by sitting on a boat, floating in the canals, weaving into a peaceful and poetic countryside. Under the tall green coconut palms are each village, small hamlets are inclined to nestle.

Floating market Cai Rang

Where to buy the best fresh fruit

A special feature in floating market Cai Rang is specializing in trading fruits of Cuu Long River. However, the remote guests want to know what boats they are selling, the villagers will hang that product on the bow of a boat. This is a special point and attracts the attention of visitors of this interesting Cai Rang floating market.

People or tourists who want to buy can see and sail to buy. It sells everything essential for daily necessities. Here visitors will witness a market with colorful colors of fruits, fruit cakes, rowing water waves, exchanges, bustling trade.

Floating market Cai Rang

Cultural characteristics typical of the Southwest

Floating market has existed for a long time to the modern and countless dry markets, big trade centers. But it does not make the culture of trade exchange in the river less vibrant.Floating market Cai Rang

How many tourists come here have been fascinated with the culture of this river region. The soft, warm and soft voice of beautiful, loving young women captures the souls of the cross. Therefore, everyone who comes here wants to visit and experience the culture of Cai Rang floating market.

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